Metal lathing process




Quality lathing for external and internal surfaces

The manufacturing engineering program of the IMC Slovakia, company includes lathing as an important part along with the machining of external and internal cylindrical surfaces. Lathing technology is used for machining the cylindrical shape of metal parts, components or pieces.








We use CNC and Conventional lathes

We use conventional lathes for simple parts. For parts with the highest degree of accuracy and quality, we use CNC lathes with accuracy of 0.01 mm.







Advantages of lathing technology at IMC Slovakia








The accuracy of production is our number one priority.





Technique accuracy


We use CNC and Conventional lathe machines.





Top quality employees


Lathing technology performs by highly skilled employees.





Contact us







A view on innovative, modern lathing technologies at IMC Slovakia s.r.o.

Technological approach depends on what type of product customers need to process. We use conventional lathes for simple parts, which have more dimensional and deviation tolerance. To achieve the highest degree of accuracy and surface quality in machining and mass production, we use our own CNC machinery and lathes.








Technical specification of metal lathing process


  • Accuracy of metal lathing processes:
  • Conventional lathes: 0,05 mm at max. swing diameter of 600 mm a length of 2 000 mm
  • CNC lathes: 0,01 mm at max. swing diameter of 1 200 mm






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